Sant Climent complex

Senior cohousing, ecovillage
and residential homes

SANT CLIMENT DE LLOBREGAT Back to the portfolio


SANT CLIMENT COMPLEX. Urban strategies, senior cohousing, ecovillage and residential homes. Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Live in community / Proximity / Circular economy / Synergy urban rural and natural / Green bands / Continuities / Origin / Human scale / Urban articulation and node / Productive relations / Self-sufficiency / Flexible housing solutions / Be feasible /Landscape, agriculture, gardens / Limit as opportunity.


HOW CAN THE SITE CONTRIBUTE TO THE PRODUCTIVE CITY? Sant Climent’s industrial zone is located in the study area, alongside the project site. Al-though it is still active, the crisis as a whole, but particularly the crisis in the textile industry, has caused a degradation of its buildings and associated facilities. The current planning guidelines permit new economic activities in this area on the basis of preexisting sports uses in a section of the proposed site. The obsolescence of the existing sports facilities, now unused, and the town’s privileged location in the Baix Llobregat district —near the sea and close to high-density residential areas— make it quite feasible to propose new sports and leisure-related activities which may act as a driving force for the local productive economy.

Sant Climent de Llobregat is a unique outer metropolitan municipality with a large agricultural economy, notable landscape values and a good quality of life. However, its main entrance point from Viladecans runs along a narrow corridor parallel to the Riera de Sant Climent stream, flanked by old industrial buildings that cause traffic conges-tion and seriously compromise the town’s image.





ARTICULATION. The project is articulated by connecting to the urban existing functions of Sant Climent following the natural orography, the streets and the historical paths.
DOOR. The added value of the proposal is to be the new entrance and a pole of attraction with identity (social, urban, sports and productive).
CROSS. Sant Climent has its origin at the junction (‘cruïlla’) of the Reial Path (‘Camino Real’) and three water paths (streams), a natural axis to preserve and potentiate.


RESOURCES. Alignments of the landscape, the forest, the streams and the topography. Use the nature advantages and uniqueness of the landscape as much as possible.
LÍMIT. The limit as a place for the opportunity where the needs of the inhabitants and the natural environment meets demands.
COMMUNICATION. Creation of the new roads with the various dedication. Regulation of the traffic and interesting possibility for cyclist and pedestrian.


PRODUCTIVE RELATIONS. The project promotes a self-sufficient productive space and healthy lifestyle. Synergies between life, work and economy on a human and community scale.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Gardens (hortus for vegetables and fruits) and agriculture (fields for vegetables and cultivations). Fostering the local tourism, giving visibility and marketing, automatical economical feedback. Pedagogical and didactical use.
BE FEASIBLE. The simple street grid, in combination with a strong structure of key public spaces and residential buildings, forms a clear backbone for this area. Easy phasing.


GREEN BANDS JOIN US. The project potentiates the existing unplanned green system. They are strips of vegetation in the natural direction of the land and runoff (‘escorrentías’).
BIOLOGICAL AND HYDRICAL CONTINUITY. Functional space that solves (possible) floods and is compatible with other uses.
MAXIMIZE GREEN SURFACES, MINIMIZE HARD SURFACE. Optimal relation with surrounding landscape. An urban, rural and natural synergy.


PROXIMITIES AND HUMAN SCALE. Open city, permeable and transparent for live and work. Low density and closeness of functions. Equipped with self-sufficient resources.
FUNCTIONAL PROGRAM. Homes-workshop-studio. Residential homes with intermediate spaces. Senior cohousing. Resident in communities.
MIXED USE AND LESS CAR DEPENDENCE. Live in the community with flexible organization housing and variety of lifestyles. Social hub, integration and public spaces.


LIVABLE STREETS. Street profiles are made compact to have more human scale spaces and create strong connection between indoor and outdoor for social interaction.
INTEGRATING GROUND FLOORS. Ground floors with ateliers, studios, workshops, and polifunctional offices related with agro-urban functions (local consumption and market, bio and eco food, km 0, slow, ‘de pagès’).
TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE-ENERGY. Compact buildings schemes reduce heat and cooling load, and decrease needed building materials. Passive systems, biohabitability and reasonable consumption improving qualities of the indoor and outdoor environments.










1. SENIOR COHOUSING. (ELDERLY BUT ACTIVE PEOPLE). Habitat’s with functional elasticity

Retirement home – Senior friendly design respecting their needs with flexible flat typology, adjusted and functional spaces.
Creation of the interaction thanks to the common kitchen and public areas – as a real cohousing.
In the same time, carefully design private rooms with a bathroom and the possibility for inviting guests.

2. RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY (ECOVILLAGE). Life in a green and great community

Multi-apartment building with inner garden.
Flexible and adjustable flat typology, family friendly model. Private space with common, collective space. Garden and terrace as a meeting points.

3. RESIDENTIAL HOMES (WITH INTERMEDIATE SPACES). Habitat’s with functional elasticity

Fully adaptable space with possibility of opening and closing.
Moving walls and flexible spaces.
Personalisation (custom made) of the specific space depending on the actual needs of the habitant.










Typology Urban design, residential design, housing
Location Sant Climent de Llobregat, Barcelona
Design team CREAM estudio Arquitectura (Ángel Cerezo Cerezo, Elisa Battilani)
Collaborators Clementina Chiarini (Junior Architect), Agata Morawczynska (Architecture student)





















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