Complejo residencial cohousing y Coliving

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona Back to the portfolio


COHOUSING AND COLIVING. Cerdanyola del Valles, Barcelona

Complejo de bloques comunitarios residenciales.

Cohousing residential complex development area.

[eng] The project is based in an innovative urban, landscape and social development in a new residential neighborhood situated in a diffused limit of the town.

The masterplan concept is a dynamic process that combines self-build projects with social housing, work/home units and social hubs, bringing together individuals, collectives, investors and small-scale developers. The goal is the opposed to a traditional urban plan with a fixed end result. The project reconsiders how conventional urban planning strategies could open up to more flexible models of development. The concept proposes compact, flexible blocks and mixed-use developments.

Based on a collective and participatory approach, the development process is informal and dynamic, is focused on the act of doing and offers space for experimentation. Shared car and bicycle parking facilities are provided, helping to keep the streets pedestrian friendly, and residents share responsibilities for energy generation.

The aim is to create a lively, sustainable environment that invites people to come, live, work, relax and do business. The public space plays an important role in connecting the different atmospheres of the neighbourhood. There are different interior blocks gardens, one is designed in a centipede way with an interior park, and the other is more open as an urban garden close to the existing small river. Water plays a key role in the experience. The project is integrating it in the public space, instead of being drained underground; rainwater forms a visible and tangible element to enrich the urban plan. The green courtyards in communal gardens and on ground level dispose and keep the rainwater, this action help to avoid overflooding and promote climatic conditions.



Typology Masterplan, urban design, co-housing, water management
Location Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Client Confidential
Design team CREAM Architects


















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