Loft Ceramiche Caesar

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[sp] El diseño de este Loft está inspirado en la tendencia “RISE”, que está representada por la combinación de dos escuelas de pensamiento opuestas, la del uso de productos y estética industrial y la escuela del trabajo del artesano (craftman).

Se utiliza la innovación para realzar la tendencia de esta reforma de Loft, buscando que las texturas tengan una personalidad y sean características dentro del entorno del apartamento. El suelo sirve como elemento de revestimiento y de decoración al mismo tiempo para obtener un espacio cálido y a su vez un ambiente industrial.

La atmósfera postindustrial se plasma en el mobiliario y en las tonalidades metálicas de las cerámicas de color corten y cobre que se fusionan con el diseño del loft. El espacio se concibe como un espacio abierto dividido en tres partes: Entrada, sala de estar y rincón para el comedor, dejando en la parte superior el resto del programa funcional. Al crear un ambiente único y abierto facilitamos la entrada de luz natural a todo el espacio.


[eng] The Loft design is inspired by the “RISE” trend, which is rep­resented by the blend of two opposite schools of thought of industrial products and the school of the craftsmen’s work.

Technology is a carrier of in­novation by enhancing the dis­tinctive imperfection of mate­rial that becomes the feature of the trend. Strong textures underline paths within the envi­ronment of the room. The floor serves as coating and furnish­ing element at the same time.

The post-industrial atmosphere dictated by metal tonalities of corten and copper ceramics is completely amalgamated with design style of the loft. The space is conceived as an open space divided into three por­tions: Entrance, living area and the dining corner. The first is represented by the entrance that introduces the visitor/cus­tomer into the loft and then car­ries him/her to the second zone, the living one. The covering’s wall and floor furnish a prominent part of the space and the use of the ceramic is made carefully to design a linear guide to drive the visitor/customer in it. The third part is represented by the dining corner where the linear guide of the pavement become covering wall involving the dinn­ing corner into the living space but preserving the seclude area.



Typology Interior Design
Location Modena
Status Interior Design proposal
Design team CREAM estudio Arquitectura









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