

GUEST SPEAKER. Aquatech Piscinaspain, Main Auditorium FYCMA Palacio de Congresos Málaga (View more)

PUBLICATION. Aigües de Barcelona Magazine Number 37, March 2024

PUBLICATION. Hola magazine home – decoration. Article of Casa El Prat Clysa. March 2024.  (View more)

PUBLICATION. Ecoconstrucción magazine Núm 91. February 2024.  (View more)


FIRST PRIZE. Premios Construcción Sostenible. 9ª Edition. Finalist in Category ‘Infrastructures, Urbanism and Outdoor spaces’. Project: Parc de les Aigües. Organization: Instituto de la Construcción y Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid (View more)(View more)

SELECTED. XII Barcelona International Landscape Biennial Award Project selection. Book XII Editión (View more)

GUEST SPEAKER. Redesigning the Designer event, Nieuwe Instituut NAI The Netherlands national museum, Rotterdam (View more)

PUBLICATION. Book European Award Book 5th Edition – European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention  (View more)

SECOND PRIZE. Sustainable Tourism Awards 2023 10th Edition – Organization ECTN European Cultural Tourism Network and Europa Nostra (View more)


FIRST PRIZE. Hispania Nostra. Ceremony to the awardees under the presidency of HM Queen of Spain Sofia, Museum Sephardic, Toledo (View more)

WORKSHOP. Venecia. Brilliant Lighting Design . Lab and Outdoor Training. Luce in Veneto (rete di impresa) and ELCA (European Lighting Cluster Alliance), Castelfranco Veneto, Venecia (View more)

GUEST SPEAKERS. Cities at the limits of growth, International University of Andalusia UNIA, Chair of nature and conservation, Pompidou Center and Màlaga Botanical garden.

PUBLICATION. Casa Viva magazine April No. 299, Madrid  (View more)



RUNNER UP AWARD. Bonaplata Award. Association of the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia. Promote the and support the industrial heritage. Category Rehabilitation. Industrial Engineers of Catalonia. Barcelona (View more)

SPEAKERS. Grupo Via . Projects of Circular and Sustainable Architecture. Talent Garden. Barcelona (View more)

NOMINATION. Nominee Simon Architecture Prize. Category Collective Places. (View more)

GUEST SPEAKERS. International Master in City Resilience Design & Management, Universitat Internacional Catalunya UIC School of Architecture Barcelona. (View more)

JURY. FRAME magazine. The world’s leading design and architecture media brand (View more)



FIRST PRIZE. HISPANIA NOSTRA, Primer Premio a la Intervención de patrimonio y paisaje (View more)

FEATURED. ARC Magazine, Lighting in architecture, UK. No. 117, London (View more)

FEATURED. Proyecto Contract, Casa Viva. No. 166, Madrid (View more)

SPEAKERS. Rebuild Congreso de Arquitectura Avanzada. Proyectos con eficiencia energética, agua, NBS y SUDS. CCIB, Constru Innovation Theatre. Barcelona (View more)

GUEST SPEAKER SEMINAR. Municipality of Eindhoven (Gemeente). Seminar Variomatic by Mr. H. Kerkdijk. Groot Zaal Effenaar. Eindhoven, NL.



SPEAKERS. Light Middle East. Thinklight conference (Professional Lighting Design & Architecture Forum, Dubai World Trade Centre). UAE, Dubai (View more)

FIRST PRIZE. Ready Steady Light competition Middle East. Category: Technical Award + Concept Prize. UAE, Dubai (View more) (View more)

FIRST PRIZE. LIT Lighting Design Awards. Product design of the year. Category: Street Lighting. Los Angeles, USA (View more)

SHORTLISTED. [d]arc Awards. Category: Space (best landscape lighting scheme). London, UK (View more)

GUEST SPEAKERS. International Master in City Resilience Design & Management, Universitat Internacional Catalunya UIC School of Architecture Barcelona. (View more)

GUEST SPEAKERS. International Spatial Development and Urban Design, BUAS Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands. (View more)

GUEST SPEAKERS. ESART, Campus Internacional de les Arts Escèniques, la Música i la Imatge, Barcelona. (View more)

FEATURED. Diseño de la ciudad magazine. Nº. 111, Octubre 2019, Madrid (View more)

FEATURED. Lumínica magazine. Nº. 36, Octubre 2019, Madrid (View more)



EXHIBITION. 2a Mostra Internacional Catalana de projectes. Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)



GUEST SPEAKERS. BAU Congress China, Beijing. Landscape and Urban design speaker. Organized by Bauwelt Germany (View more)

CONTRIBUTORS. 30 years of Eurocities. Making cities, visions for an urban future, 30 young professionals and 30 urban visions.

GUEST SPEAKERS. AJAC Conference. ETSAV, Escola d’Arquitectura del Vallès (UPC), Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

FINALIST. Europan Europe. Competition young architects, productive cities. Site: Milano.



FIRST PRIZE. AJAC IX Young Architects (Premi Joves Arquitectes – Associació Joves Arquitectes Catalunya). Category: Urbanism. COAC, Barcelona (View more)

FINALISTS. Next Landmark Competition. Category: research. Venice, Italy (View more)

THIRD PRIZE. Rethinking the Future Awards. Category: Landscape Design Concept.

HONORABLE MENTION. Rethinking the Future Awards. Category: Urban Concept.

FEATURED. Archinpendium by ArchDaily

FINALISTS. International Competition Financial Centre Moscow (With Maxwan, ARUP, Juurlink en Geluk, Reserve). Collaboration. Finalist. (View more here and here)

FINALISTS. Moscow River Competition (With Maxwan, ARUP, Juurlink en Geluk). Collaboration. Finalist. (View more here and here)

FIRST PRIZE. Habitat Award for Public Space design (With KCAP Architects and Planners, Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Collaboration



GROUP EXHIBITION. MoMA, New York (USA). As part of global young design talents “CUT&PASTE exhibition” and YAP (Young Architects Program) at MoMA (View more)

SELECTED. Spanish Architecture & Urbanism Biennale XII, Madrid, Spain



FINALISTS. Bauhaus Solar Award. Bauhaus, Germany

PROJECT PARTICIPATION. Landscape Biennale Barcelona, Spain

SEMIFINALIST. CTBUH (Council on tall buildings and Urban Habitat of Chicago). Chicago, USA

CONTRIBUTION. AUS magazine (Research in sustainable architecture and urbanism). Universidad Austral, Valdivia. Chile. No. 11 (View more)

FIRST PRIZE. Quartier Gare TGV Montpellier, France (With KCAP Architects and Planners, Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Collaboration (View more)



FIRST PRIZE. Fundación ONCE. Madrid, Spain Best national graduation projects about accessibility

FINALISTS. Caja de Arquitectos Grants Arquia for young architects. Madrid, Spain. Jury: Alejandro Zaera Polo

SECOND PRIZE. SAIE Selection Projects. Category: concrete. Bologna, Italy. Jury: Mario Cucinella, Matteo Thun, Françoise Jourdá

SECOND PRIZE. Smanful Workshop UPC. Barcelona, Spain

EXHIBITION. The water revolution Running water and modern citizenship 1867-1967. Curated by Manel Guàrdia. MUHBA Museum of History of Barcelona 03/02/11-09/25/11 ( See more)



SELECTED. Bauhaus Mini Housing Award

FIRST PRIZE. Sustainable Award Cisol UPC. Barcelona, Spain



FIRST PRIZE. Sustainable Architecture Contest ETSAV. Barcelona, Spain



FIRST PRIZE. 11th Contest for Sustainable Ideas. Universitat Politecnica Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain

FIRST PRIZE. Sustainable Architecture Contest ETSAV. Barcelona, Spain



FINALIST. Best Master’s Thesis in Engineering UdG. Girona, Spain